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WPCA Minutes 03/22/2007


THURSDAY, March 22, 2007

The Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Authority met on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme Memorial Town Hall.  Those present and voting were Tom Risom (Chairman), Mervin Roberts, Joe O’Connor, Mike Dickey and Aimee Eberly.  Also present was Ron Rose, Sanitarian, and Gary Yuknat.

Chairman Risom called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.    

Four Ponds Subdivision

Chairman Risom stated that the WPCA’s engineer and attorney are looking at the declarations and covenants.  He indicated that he has received a statement from the engineering consultant for Four Ponds, Steve McDonald, WMC Consulting Engineers, regarding the system they are proposing at the development.  Chairman Risom noted that the letter identifies the main elements of the system, as follows:  $2.1 million cost for the installation and approximately $25,000.00 for grinder pump cores and $175,000.00 for mechanical equipment that could or might at any time require replacing and or significant maintenance.  He noted that the system, as presented, is a workable solution.  Chairman Risom stated that the DEP needs a statement to this effect from the WPCA.  He explained that Brian Curtis has reviewed the numbers and indicated that the annual fee should be between $40,000 and $60,000 and bonding for maintenance would probably be in the neighborhood of $200,000.  Chairman Risom stated that these numbers will be finalized before the subdivision breaks ground.

Mervin Roberts questioned the cost of the replacement of the macerator grinder pump cores for the schools system.  Mr. Rose indicated that he is not sure.  Mr. Yuknat indicated that pumps can be many different prices.  Mr. Roberts indicated that he sees a price for grinder pump cores of $25,000 and questioned whether that is accurate.  Chairman Risom noted that the WPCA can only bond this system once and the cost of parts can escalate.  He noted that the WPCA has to protect the Town until the homeowner’s association is viable.  Chairman Risom noted that the association will take over at about the tenth house.  Sal DiGlio, attorney for Four Ponds, stated that the homeowner’s association will form after the twelve or thirteenth house and take over fully at about 90 percent.  Chairman Risom noted that it is until then that the Town must be protected.

Chairman Risom questioned whether the applicant considered a less technical system.  Attorney DiGlio stated that with 28 homes, they are comfortable with the system they have chosen.

Attorney DiGlio noted that there is a warranty period of between one and two years on the system, which is why they propose installments into the escrow account as each home sells, no later than two years into the development.

A motion was made by Joe O’Connor, seconded by Michael Dickey and voted unanimously that the Old Lyme Water Pollution Control Authority accepts the plan by Four Ponds Subdivision, as represented at the engineering presentation made on February 15, 2007, as a workable solution as they believe it is in conformance with the requirements of the Old Lyme WPCA and that Four Ponds has concurrence from the WPCA to proceed with the DEP; escrow accounts and amounts will be determined prior to construction when the final engineering is completed.

Chairman’s Report

Chairman Risom stated that he invited Gary Yuknat, Shoreline Sanitation, to the meeting to discuss the transfer facility.  Mr. Yuknat stated that Tim Griswold sent in the renewal for the transfer station on April 13, 2006 and March 15, 2007 the Town received a notice of insufficiency which indicates that the form is not filled out correctly.  He explained that this needs to be addressed quickly.  Mr. Yuknat stated that it is also a good time to incorporate the site plan that he had to do for Zoning.  He noted that they have made changes to the loading/unloading zone, etc.  Mr. Yuknat stated that he would recommend having Brian Curtis doing the work.  He also recommend that they use the permit that he received for 5 million gallons.  Mr. Yuknat questioned whether now would be the time to make him a co-owner of the facility.  He noted that the Town owns the transfer station and he is the operator.  Mr. Yuknat stated that he put $22,000.00 to upgrade the drop zone.  Chairman Risom agreed that Brian Curtis, consulting engineer, should prepare the renewal for the Town.  He stated that if Brian Curtis feels a higher volume could be supported, then they should use the permit for 5 million.  

Mr. Roberts indicated that he is concerned with their being co-owners.  He indicated that this could become difficult over time and he does not believe this is a good way to do business.  Chairman Risom noted that there is not a lot of capitol value left in the tanks.  Mr. Yuknat stated that it will probably cost more to remove them from the site then they are worth.  

Chairman Risom stated that the Town would have to make sure Shoreline did not turn away other haulers and the Town wouldn’t want Shoreline to say they didn’t want to do it anymore.  Mr. Yuknat agreed, and noted that there would have to be a contract.  He indicated that he would like to take in more because the closer they get to 5 million gallons, the cheaper it becomes per gallon.  Mr. Yuknat stated that he wants to be sure that he works within the confines of the transfer station permit.

Mr. Yuknat indicated that he was in Hartford today for a meeting with DEP.  He indicated that Gina McCarthy was present briefly.  Mr. Yuknat stated that the focus of the meeting was alternative technologies.  He indicated that he has a copy of the Bill as it was amended; he noted that it appears that the DEP will let the Department of Health approve permits of 5,000 gallons per day or less.

Treasurer’s Report

No Report.

Sanitarian’s Report

Mr. Rose indicated that he had nothing additional to report.

At  8:40 p.m., Mr. Roberts made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Dickey seconded; so voted unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan J. Bartlett